Patterns Picnic on 13.7. as of 17:30 at “Turm Luxemburg”

The Patterns network is organising an end-of-semester picnic on Wednesday, 13.07., as of 17:30 on the lawn surrounding the Turm Luxemburg (

All team members are warmly invited to the last informal meeting before the summer break. 

Please bring your own food (for yourself or to share with others) as well as own crockery. Drinks to take away will be sold by the restaurant ‘Jahreszeiten’.

It would be highly appreciated if some of the members could bring picnic blankets with them.

Food for sharing can be announced here:

Essen zum Teilen kann hier: angekündigt werden.

In case of bad weather, the event will have to be cancelled.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in large numbers.


13 Jul 2022


as of 17:30

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