How do Arabic speakers learn German? On prosodic interferences of Arabic learners in German as a foreign language (working title)
Zarah Kampschulte
Supervision: JProf. Dr. Katharina Zahner-Ritter and Prof. Dr. Angelica Brown
The aim of the dissertation project is to investigate whether and, if so, how transfer (i.e. transfer of prosodic features from the mother tongue to the foreign language) from Arabic to German as a foreign language takes place. The empirically designed work focuses on the marking and perception of focus (e.g. “the RED car, not the blue one”) via prosodic prominence (e.g. pitch accents or duration) in Syrian Arabic learners of German.
Kampschulte, Z., Kleen, C., Elsässer, N., Manzoni-Luxenburger, J., Albert, A., & Zahner-Ritter, K. (2022). „Question or Statement?” Interpretation of truncated nuclear falling contours by L2 listeners compared to German natives. Vortrag auf der 18. Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Bielefeld 06.-07–10.2022.
Zahner-Ritter, K., Breitbarth, Z. (2021): The role of experience in the production and processing of prosodic prominence in the L2 – Work in progress. Vortrag im gemeinsamen Kolloquium zwischen der Universität des Saarlandes und der Universität Trier. Online, 3.12.2021.